Relationship between man and environment

Man and his environment Relationship

Environment is defined as the surroundings in which the organism lives. The environment may be the physical environment, the chemical environment or the biological environment. Organisms are dependent on the environment to fulfill their needs; man is also constantly interacting with the environment in order to fulfill his needs. 

Basic needs in Environment

These needs include the basic needs of oxygen, food and shelter etc. the things that man requires for his survival and comfort are called resources. The environment is a reservoir of resources. Maintaining the natural resources of environment and their careful use is called conservation. 

Conservation of environment 

The conservation of environment involves the conservation of the natural resources. A healthy environment is an absolute necessity for the well-being of all organisms, including man. All our needs, big and small are being met by the environment. 

However, man having reached the pinnacle of evolution is trying to bring about changes in the environment to suit his convenience. Unfortunately, this convenience is temporary. In the long run, man is losing out on a healthy environment.
